What to do to tackle your enemy in your life?
Enemies are a common part of human life.There is none who hasn't any enemy in the world.Enemies may be at broad day light or secret.None can say that he has no enemy.Most of the problems are being created by our enemies.
Your enemies may be in your area,in your family,in your society and even in your body and mind.The enemies lie near occur much difficult problems than those of far.
Enemies who are far from you may be little effective to do your harm.But near enemies can harm you effectively.As for example,an enemy who is in your family or house may occur his motive easily as he can get the information of your weakness instantly.But enemies who are far from you may not be able to make problem easily as they don't know every information of your life.Such kind of enemies need much time to defeat you.
To survive in this world we have to fight against every kind of enemy.We need to have the help and mercy of Almighty to overcome the problems instigated by our enemies.
We know prevention is better than cure.We need to follow this truth.We should try to keep careful relationship to everyone personally.A person may be rude, a thief, a robber or any kind of culprit.If you personally protest him face to face,he will be your enemy.You have to make him rectified tactfully.To cure him you may invite and motivate him to join religious activities.If you advise him not to do some criminal activities,he will not respond to you.Even he will doubt and find you as an enemy.You can request him to perform his prayer as a human being.You can tell him that Almighty has sent him to the earth to perform some duties.You should think him a human being and one day he will be back to right path.
Think that your duty is to rescue a culprit from the devils and instigators.Help and take care of him in time of danger.If you do this,he will be concentrated to you and give emphasis on your words.If you can make him say his prayer for a few days,a thought will arise in his mind about his duty and responsibility.Gradually his conscience will be awaken and he will leave his criminal activities day by day.
There is a wise saying that thieves never gives ear to religious advice. It's true.But sometimes,it's proved false.All thieves aren't non-believers to Almighty.Those who have little bit faith in religion will come back to good path if any person try to help him to be rectified.
We should try our level best to make culprits good though most of them won't come to right track.At that time we have to surrender them to the law and order forces to avoid serious unexpected situation.
Let's back to the main topic on our enemies.You should be reserve minded to be safe from your enemies.Don't publish your weakness to all except your justified well-wishers.You should think that enemies are not for you but for every great man who were born in the earth.
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