Saturday, May 2, 2020

Do you want to be a good student? How to be a good student ?

How to be a good student ?

A good student is he who possesses some special qualities in his student life.The harmony of these qualities can be reflected in a good student's life.To be a good student isn't so easy.It's difficult but not more difficult.If one tries to be a good student,he needs to possess  some unique qualities in his life.

A student should be desirous to be a good student.He must have an adjuration to accomplish his duties.His affix to ambition will be sky-scrapping.His diligence to study or other work will be running in a systematic way.His travel will be non-stopped to success.His assiduousness or endeavor will make him always conscious.

Self confidence is a must to be a genius student.A student shouldn't be pessimistic .He should be optimistic about his work and deeds.He or she must cherish a belief in the heart that success isn't so far.He should keep in mind that without punctuality none can be succeeded in life.No work should be put for next days.

Building up moral character in student life is an important initiative.A student must be obedient to his parents and teachers.He should abide by the rules and regulations of his country.Devotion to good deeds is a great quality of student life.A student is amenable to his family and society.He leads a tidy life.His every work should be immaculate.Lucid mind is a must in student life.Without impudence to query for something is necessary in student life.A student must be insolent to laziness and will possess ready wit.

To be a sweet mouthed is a great skill for good studentship.A good student always will be lively.sportive and festive.He will be cheerful and hearty .His breezy and frisky mentality will be very helpful to other students.He will have no gibe or jeer to weak students.He shows contempt to sin not to sinners. Moreover,he has complete trust to his religion and harmony between work and deed.

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