Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Kormobeer-Action Hero


Kormobeer is a Bengali word.This word means Action Hero.Those who have the power of matching their words with their deeds are Action Heroes.We aim to make such heroes for the betterment of the humanity.

We are on the earth with no responsibility is not correct.We are sent as vicegerents on behalf of The Creator to render some specific services to self,parents,family-members and countrymen.We are bound to do these services to be recommended to make ourselves successful human beings.

Being present on the earth, we can't pass our time in eating and marrying only. Almighty assigned us with some fix duties to implement.We have to materialize these activities in our lives.Now,the question is what are these responsibilities?

Kormobeer believes that every man has to complete the following responsibilities:

1. Completely Surrender to The Creator: First and foremost duty is to keep the deepest belief and dependence on The Creator.As a human being we must believe our Creator.Everything of the World is under his supreme control. 
Without His order no particle of sand can move or stop.When a leaf dance or be shake by anything,we must believe that this shaking of that leaf is occurring by The Order of The Creator.

2.Practice of Good Habits: The conscience of human being is a great contribution of The Almighty.This conscience can identify what is right and wrong.What is right must be done and practiced.This is how good habits will be practiced.

Good habits are those which are not harmful for self and others.By a good habit every person of the world can be benefited except devils.Because,the devils are born to make self interest killing others hope and dream. 

3. Being United: Those who are believers to Almighty and well mannered must be united to perform the good practices in the society.We know all devils are strongly united.They can be united whereas it's difficult for believers to be united.Without united efforts most of the good deeds can't be performed well.Moreover, devils's opposition and conspiracy are difficult to overcome.If all believers be united,devils become weak and lose their hearts.

4.Reformation of Society: After being united, the believers will start to reform the society in the light of truth and justice.They will establish the rights of the human beings irrespective of creed and cast.Equity must be ensured for every global citizen.

We should not think us separate from other citizens of the world.All are human beings and all have duties to be rendered to others.When we shall think of the union of the all citizens except devils,we have to think of the rights of others irrespective of genders,colors,creed and cast.But duties or responsibilities must be rendered near to far.

May Almighty pour His kindness on all of us.

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